David and I have made every effort to not anticipate an early arrival of this baby. You might say we went a little over-board in refusing to accept the idea that he might even be here the week of his 'due date' - something Daddy has been better at refusing than Mommy....
So, you can possibly imagine the wrench in things that resulted from the midwife's declaration, "1-2cm and about 60% effaced" at my "38" week check (remember, according to my estimate, I was only 37 weeks and 2 days.). She then suggested that it just might be a good weekend to have a baby. UGH. People can stay minimally dilated and effaced for weeks, right?! But it is also common for second and later pregnancies to not stay 'partial' for long and things progress a lot more quickly once they start, right?! Anyone have any experience with this?! If I thought I felt like a time bomb last time around...
I hope he hangs in there.
We made it through the weekend. I am determined to hang in there for my '39 week' midwife visit on Wednesday, and even more so, I am hoping he'll hold out until my sister gets here! I still have to pack my bag. I am VERY uncomfortable today. Did I relax too much over the weekend and the return to work is a bit much? Are things continuing to progress toward the big day? Is it just gas? Perhaps a very unsupportive office chair? The baby is wrigling more than I am used to. No topsy-turvy acrobatics or anything, just a constant pushy-pushy stretching that results in pressure against nearly every corner of my innards simultaneously. I bet he refuses to be swaddled like Aine did.
Well, with Kylie I walked around 2-3cm dilated and 60% effaced for nearly four weeks. When my water actually broke and we went to the hospital (on her due date) I was 4cm. With Peyton I was 2cm dilated and 60% effaced at week 38 in the office (nothing much before that) and then my water broke at home a couple days later and once at the hospital I was 6cm dilated. So who knows? It could be baby time. :)