Monday, February 28, 2011

Playing Catch-Up

I posted the run-down of what all happened since George was born.  Now it's time to catch up from there...

I found a new job very quickly.  It involved relocating three states away though.  Fortunately, three states away was HOME.  So we're back in Florida and loving living mere moments (relatively speaking) from the grandparents rather than a two-day road trip away!
The new job is awesome.
The new church is awesome.
Spending 45 minutes in traffic on a Friday afternoon to get to the Target that is only 5 miles away is an entirely different kind of awesome.
Living less than 90 miles from the nearest Target is the former kind of awesome.

We've been here nearly a month and are not yet unpacked and moved in because we've been spending nearly every weekend with FAMILY.  Woot!
I'm hoping to get back in to some kind of routine around here.....

Concert Dresses

I have a huge garbage bag full of t-shirts I no longer wear but can't bear to part with.  Most of them are from concerts I attended in high school and college.  Some are from clubs or groups I belonged to.  Others are just 'old favorites.'  I thought about using them to make a quilt, but I'm not so quilty.  I'd been long considering making play dresses out of some of them for my little lass.  I am NOT an experienced seamstress, however, and while I am a decent puzzle solver and fairly adventurous, I didn't want to ruin them trying to figure out how to make them cute and failing.

This is where Made comes in.  I was poking around and found this.

In sticking with the musical references, I consider these 'variations on a theme,' as I made a few adjustments to the pattern be able to accommodate a narrower & shorter t-shirt, since these were mine and not men's XL.

They went together really easily.  We learned picked up some pointers along the way, like 'tie off the strings so the gathers don't come out while you're sewing the yoke' and 'don't use a really stretchy knit for the yoke.'  I'm a big fan of the instant gratification & can't wait to try out some of Dana's other patterns and tutorials!

Two Disclaimers:
1) My wonderful mother-in-law did the sewing on these.  I cut, ironed, and watched.  We were at her house, I didn't want to mess up her machine (or the garments!)
2) I am not a photographer.  I have neither a decent camera nor the  knowledge base to take a decent photograph.

While typing this, I realized my baby monitor was not on and ran upstairs to find my son screaming in his crib :o/